Kitten keeps meowing in the garden

Why Is My Kitten Meowing?

Meow. A kitten’s meow is one of the cutest, most adorable sounds you will ever hear! Kittens meow for a number of different reasons. The purpose for meowing changes as …

This cat doesn't look happy

Is My Cat Happy? Signs And Care

Cats are the masters of the poker face. They usually have that impassive expression on their adorable little faces when they are happy or not. Cats are not as expressive …

cat drinking milk

Do Cats Like Milk?

Few things are more adorable than a photo of a cat happily lapping a bowl of milk. But do cats like milk to drink? Just like humans, cats are individual …

Cat squiting one eye

My Cat Is Squinting One Eye

Ever wondered why your cat is squinting one eye? Squinting or keeping the eye partially closed is one of the more easily noticeable signs that there is something wrong with …

cat in box

How To Move House With A Cat

Cats can be very territorial, so when you move house with a cat, it can make them feel very unsettled. If they are allowed outside, they may even try to …

Down syndrome cat

Is Down Syndrome In Cats Common?

Down syndrome in cats Like in humans, Down syndrome in cats is possible. This disease is a genetic anomaly that results in a detectable chromosomal defect in the DNA. It …

Cats show their pain like this

My Cat Is Struggling To Urinate

“My cat goes to the toilet, but nothing comes out!” She often runs to her litter tray, but your cat is struggling to urinate successfully recently? Quick to the vet! A …

Cat in litter tray

My Cat Goes To The Bathroom Often

Your Cat Goes To The Bathroom Often – Want To Know Why? Firstly, you need to differentiate, whether only urine, only stool or both are effecting the cat. The two …