Pre-Employment Software
If you are a small business owner who´s trying to find good employees, then you have to checkout this new tool
If you are a small business owner who's been struggling with hiring, then you have to watch this video. I'm going to show you a secret on how to find good employees. And it is a secret, that it is so effective, that it is actually illegal in some countries, as crazy as that sounds. I'm a trade certified psychologist and I have spent the last 5 years hiring over 40 people, building two multi-million dollar businesses and through this process, what I did is, I went through a hundred years of scientific literature on employee productivity and I build this psychological assessment tool here. It's based on a hundred years of scientific research and that's why it's so incredible effective.
Having your own pre-employment test gives off a super professional impression on your candidates
What it is, the way it works is super simple. It actually simplifies your hiring process a lot. Which I'll explain why, it will be less work. You will get this little code snippet, you embed it on your website and then you simply send the website link, your website link to your candidate and then the candidate does the test. And the cool thing about this is, that it gives off a really professional impression on your candidate, because, who has their own psychometric pre-employment test on their own website? Nobody has it. So It gives off an extremely professional expression to your candidates.
You don't have your own website or you are not that tech-savvy? No problem, we host the link for you externally, and once your candidates have done the test, the results will be sent to you.
There is a 100 years of scientific research, that shows, that the 30 minutes intelligence test in this tool is by far the best way to find good employees for you
Once your candidates have done the test, you can see the results. What it is specifically, it's three different tests.
By the way, you can use this tool for free so at the end of the page I will explain to you how and why you can use it for free. If you are impatient you can scroll down, register, check it out and start using it.
1 Intelligence Test or Problem Solving Test When you talk to candidates, when you send the the link to your candidates, call it a problem solving test, it comes off better but a scientist would call it an intelligence test. And by the way, all kind of amateurs have their own opinion about it, but here is the truth, there is a hundred years of scientific research, that just shows, as clear as day that a 30 minutes intelligence test is by far the best predictor of how good somebody is going to be at any given job. A 30 minutes intelligence test is by far the best predictor of job productivity, it is just undeniable, the scientific research on this.
2 HEXACO Test If you have any kind of job you are hiring for, where you need to trust the person with your money or with your password, then you have to do a Hexaco test! You have to! The reason is, there is a honesty humility score you can see in the sheet. The honesty humility score is basically, it sounds silly, but it is a perfect predictor of wether or not somebody is gonna steel money from you. Somebody who scores high in honesty humility is never going to steel anything from anyone. Never. It's basically a perfect predictor. The other one you have in Hexaco is conscientiousness. This score is a perfect predictor of wether or not somebody is going to be a diligent and hard worker. Is somebody going to be a hard worker? It's basically a perfect predictor, somebody who scores high on there, I guarantee you they gonna be hard worker.
3 DISC Test The DISC test gives you an informative report about your future employee. From their inner motivations to their working style. Any kind of start-up or whenever you try to build new stuff or expand, whenever you need an employee who goes and build something new or create something new you want him to be high in "D". If you are hands-off with employees and if you don’t want to micromanage them and want them to do their own thing and not lose your mental energy, then you would have to look for someone who is a "D", you can really trust, that they are going to do their own thing. Someone can be great and increidible but if they are not a "D" and a go-getter they just kind sit around and wait for instructions sometimes, people who don’t know how to google. Those are the employees, where 6 months later you were thinking, I’ve been paying this guy whatever salary every month but what have they done? And this is the terrible thing, some people are doing nothing, because you did not manage them, you did not give them anything to do and this because they were low on "D". If your employees are high on "D" and they are able to google things themselves and figure out the problems, it just saves you so much more time. This is the best part of the whole. For many jobs, the "D" is the number one thing I look at. They have to score well on problem solving test, they need to be smart, but then the "D" is the most important metric I look at. Being smart is the entry double for everything, that’s what happens in the first part of the process. The second part is, where you kind of see a big difference. Becaues all of your candidates can be very intelligent but if they are not a "D" and a "C" you won’t have a detail-oriented person and a go-getter . If you require a person with a lot of empathy and connecting good with people, a "S" will be good for that. The DISC model alone is not everything but combined with the pre-employment test it really completes the whole thing.
This is probably the first time ever, that a pre-employment testing tool has been available for small business owners
This might shock you, but if you try to buy this kind of testing softwares in the marketplace, you have to pay up to half a million dollars for it, you have to pay at least a hundred tousands of dollars for it. Because the only companies that make this kind of pre-employment testing softwares, they only sell to big cooperations. Up until now, this kind of softwares have been only available to big cooperations for crazy amounts of money. That's why I have been using this test, that we have developed internally and all of my friends have been using it and my friends have been going crazy about it.
This tool is only free for a limited amount of time
That's why I decided today to publish it to the public and for FREE. For now it is for free. Let me be clear about this, it will not be free for forever. It is only for free for a very limited amount of time. If you are at all interested, if you are a small business owner, if you have been struggeling with hiring. You want to hire better, you want to hire good candidates, good employees - use this form now, sign up now for FREE, completely for free and try it. You can try it for free. Because eventually I'm going to start charging money for it.
Sign up now, get access to your dashboard, make your selection process faster and more efficient than ever
You get access to a dashboard, where you can filter through them, it makes your selection process faster as well. You need to spend less time reading CV's, you need to spend less time doing job interviews. I usually only do 2 or 3 job interviews for any job. I do a 100 tests, I look at the test results, I look at 10 to 15 CV's from the ones who scored well and then I interview only 2 or 3 people. I actually spend less time hiring than most other people but I get way better results and you can do the same with this tool for free.
Sign up now, we are excited for you!
If you have any questions, don't hestitate to contact us under