Vets Recommended Miaustore Cat Water Fountain to Keep your Cat Hydrated
Did you ever wonder why a veterinarian would recommend a fountain for your feline friend and why especially the ceramic fountain from Miaustore?
We have asked Veterinarians and that’s what they said:
It is important for your furry friend’s health and well-being that they have access to an adequate and suitable water source. “Not only from a physical health perspective, in terms of ensuring sufficient water intake in cats prone to renal and lower urinary tract disease, but also in terms of emotional health by ensuring that the desire-seeking motivation to obtain access to water is fulfilled” Dr. Sarah Heath,
Miaustore cat water fountain is not only a fun design for your pet and home but is also beneficial towards your cat’s health. The “Miaustore’s water fountain has three wide square drinking areas that fully fill with moving water to the brim. This design helps the cats see the water level better making them more confident and encouraging them to drink more. The wide water pools are a definite advantage for wide-faced breeds like the Persians, allowing them to drink more comfortably. Since the water pools fill to the top, this allows cats to drink from the top of the bowl without their whiskers or faces getting wet.
Wide pools also provide a larger surface area for mixing the flowing water with oxygen. This keeps the water fresh and better tasting. The Miaustore cat water fountain has a multilevel design with bowls at different heights. This is good for senior, arthritic cats as they are not required to crouch to be able to drink. Multilevel water pools also give a cat a choice where to drink and are suitable for a multi-cat household allowing them all to drink at the same time.” Says Dr. Rachel Po. The different drinking heights also make this water fountain “Ideal for younger and older cats “said Veterinarian Coby Malogrino.
On top of this the Miaustore cat water fountain also has numerous other benefits, including.

Being made of ceramic material.
Plastic water containers should be avoided. It would be best to choose a ceramic water fountain over plastic as plastic can quickly become scratched, and these scratches can harbor bacteria. Cats are prone to a condition called feline acne, which results from encountering the bacteria that can lurk unseen in scratches on plastic water and feed bowls. This is an unpleasant and distressing condition for your cat that requires a visit to the vet. Veterinaria Natural Alma Vegana SL states that “unlike plastic or aluminum fountains, the ceramic material is not causing feline acne.” As stated by Veterinarian TAP Grille, “crematic material is also 100% non-toxic for cats.”
The Miaustore cat water fountain encourages cats to drink enough water.
Did you know your feline friend prefers to drink running water rather than stagnant water? In nature, stagnant water from ponds and puddles is almost always polluted and contaminated, so cats have an instinctive aversion to stagnant water. Cats have a sense of smell two times stronger than humans and therefore, they can smell the bacteria and germs in the stagnant water and do not want to drink from it even if they might need the water urgently. I mean would you drink a glass of water that you left on the kitchen floor for a week? Your cat doesn’t want too either.
Hence, many cats that only have one still bowl available to them don’t drink enough water. Unfortunately, this can cause kidney failure, a condition that, according to Dr. Maria Del Carmen Vicente, occurs “quite frequently in pathology.” Dr. Maria also stated that “Its ceramic material is ideal for keeping the water at a perfect temperature. Ideal for stimulating the consumption of water in older cats, which is of vital importance to prevent and stop kidney failure.”
Sonja Van Straten says that “as a veterinarian, I cannot state more that we have to stimulate cats to drink and using a water fountain like the Miaustore fountain is of great help.”
Practically noiseless
Thanks to their unique pumping system, the Miaustore fountain is practically noiseless. However, if you want, you can adjust the power to create a gentle lapping sound.” The silent pump makes Miaustores drinking fountain attractive for a cat to drink (more) water” Dr. Linda Hagedoon. This is because a noisy pump can not only irritate you, but it can also scare the cat away from their water bowl. Thus, making the soundless pump of the Miaustore cat water fountain beneficial for yourself and your cat.
Optimising water intake is vital for cats and is an important part of feline healthcare. Not only from a physical health perspective, in terms of ensuring sufficient water intake in cats prone to renal and lower urinary tract disease, but also in terms of emotional health by ensuring that the desire-seeking motivation to obtain access to water is fulfilled. Water fountains can really help in increasing the motivation to drink by offering access to moving water which many cats find more attractive. The Miaustore water fountain has many features which help to encourage water consumption and is also very attractive from a human perspective. Cats are more likely to drink water from glass, metal or ceramic surfaces so the ceramic material of the Miaustore fountain is ideal. The different heights of the components of the fountain and the opportunity to drink from the shallow surfaces on the top of the towers or from the water as it follows from one tower to another increases choice and makes consumption more likely. There is also the option of drinking from the reservoir of water in the base of the fountain. The added feature of the motion sensor makes this product attractive to caregivers too as it reduces unnecessary energy consumption. The fountain is easy to clean and to maintain and the Miaustore cleaning kit gives you all the tools you need. Obtaining spare parts is easy via online ordering and I have found customer service to be good. Providing a suitable water source is very important for feline health and welfare but it is also important to make sure that feline caregivers know where to locate their fountain to help to maximise water intake. Giving advice about locating it away from food sources and in quiet and undisturbed locations is therefore helpful.

Miaustore’s water fountain has three wide square drinking areas that fully fill with moving water to the brim. This design helps the cats see the water level better making them more confident and encouraging them to drink more. The wide water pools are a definite advantage for wide-faced breeds like the Persians allowing them to drink more comfortably. Since the water pools fill to the top, this allows cats to drink from the top of the bowl without their whiskers or faces getting wet.
Wide pools also provide a larger surface area for mixing of the flowing water with oxygen. This keeps water fresh and better tasting. Our water fountain has a multilevel design having bowls at different heights. This is good for senior, arthritic cats as they need not crouch to be able to drink. Multilevel water pools also gives a cat a choice where to drink and is good for a multi-cat household allowing them all to drink at the same time.

Miaustore water fountains are ideal for households with one or more cats. Its ceramic material is ideal for keeping the water at a perfect temperature. Ideal to stimulate the consumption of water in older cats, which is of vital importance to prevent and / or stop kidney failure ... Unfortunately a quite frequent pathology.

Cats can be picky about drinking water. They often don't like stagnant tap water and common drinking bowls are not cat-friendly (the edges are too high or the choosen material causes discomfort in your pets) which leads into a challenge to get cats to drink more. Drinking is important not only for kidney and bladder patients, but also for healthy cats. The flowing water, the platforms of the towers without raised edges, different heights and the silent pump makes Miaustores drinking fountain attractive for a cat to drink (more) water. Because the fountain is made of ceramic and heavier than other water fountains, it will not wobble quickly and scare the cat. Fortunately, the filters are also a thing of the past with this fountain.

We recommend using Miaustore water fountains to encourage water consumption and prevent kidney disease in cats of any age, especially those older than 7 years in which this pathology is very common. Made out of ceramic, it is more hygienic, easy to clean and keeps the water at an optimal temperature. Unlike plastic or aluminum fountains the ceramic material is not causing feline acne. It is also very useful in homes where there is more than one cat.

I really like the Miaustore water fountain. It is easy to clean, doesn't need a filter (as many other fountains do) and it also looks great. And most of all, cats really like to drink from it. Cats are prone to dehydration with medical issues as a consequence (cystitis, kidneydisease, obstipation). As a veterinarian I cannot state more that we have to stimulate cats to drink and using a waterfountain like the Miaustore fountain is of great help.

As a behavioral therapist for cats, I often visit people's homes. I often see the food bowl and a bowl with water next to each other in the kitchen and I am told that the cat never actually drinks from the water. I always recommend, to offer several watering spots in the house with at least one fountain. For my cats I have chosen the drinking fountain from Miaustore. This fountain is ideal for both, younger and older cats, because there are different drinking heights. Thanks to the ceramic material, the fountain can be cleaned easily and even be put in the dishwasher. In addition, the fountain makes little noise and no expensive water filters are needed. I have only received positive reactions to this fountain from my customers. The Miaustore drinking fountain is highly recommended!

We, the veterinary practice C. Grille, have been using the cat fountain from miaustore.com for over a year. In the beginning it was very difficult to motivate our cat to drink at all. We then came across Miaustores fountain and ordered this decorative drinking fountain for our cat. The delivery time was manageable and shipping was just as easy. Since cats are more likely to drink running water than standing water, in this regard, we hoped to be able to benefit from the advantages of the water fountain. When the fountain arrived, our cat played with the fountain by constantly dabbing her paws in it. And then finally she drank. Thanks to the different tower heights, the cat observes the course of the water very closely and is fascinated by it. The workmanship of the cat fountain is very good, and since it is made of ceramic, the material is also 100% non-toxic for cats. We would recommend this cat fountain to anyone whose cat doesn't like to drink the water from the bowl either.